Saturday, December 24, 2016

Crazy halves

TIME: 19.40-ish.
PLACE: ‘Cafe Love & Latte’.

‘This is not going to work’, he thought. `Let’s just get over with this thing.’He was already late for the date. Holding his phone in one hand, he pushed the door to open. He recognized her from the picture on his phone & rushed to her table. They greeted each other. And he gently sat opposite her.
It followed by an awkward silence.

‘Should I ask him why is he so late? Ummmm... No, I guess that might sound rude’, She wondered. She was trying really hard to strike a conversation. Just then, He coughed & threw a few curse words for the city's traffic. She exhaled & smiled. And there, he broke the ice.

He asked for mocha while she settled for cappuccino. 

As the time was ticking, one conversation lead to another.Two more cups of coffee later, one could hear their giggles & see them highfive-ing each other. Much to his disbelief, they were bonding. They were like a house on fire.

Hours passed & they were still talking.

By the end of the night, they realized, this was something different. As they were about to part ways, they exchanged their numbers.This was followed by frequent conversations on the phone, stupid debates over random issues, sleepless nights, silly fights & eventually many other meetings.

She loved to talk for hours while he loved to listen to her. He was a peace lover but he loved all the chaos that came with her thoughts.

It all made sense now. It was sheer love. And they were each other’s crazy halves.

Years later, they were still discovering each other. They were poles apart, but it did not matter now. Despite all the differences, He never gave up on her, neither did she. :)

Images Courtesy of UP:The movie by Walt Disney
 Pictures & Pixar Animation Studios

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Just like the old times !

                                    ***FAREWELL DAY***
'Friends for life!' screamed every photo frame on the wall. With tears in eyes & mixed feelings in  heart, everyone hugged each other. And then they parted ways, with a promise to meet again.

Years later, there was no talking, no occasional meetings, just a random forward in a group, rarely followed by a discussion. No more phone calls & no more plans to meet each other.

Gradually, the friendship was falling apart. Their bond was fading with the passing time.Nobody realized this, because everyone was busy building their respective lives.Who was going to fill in the void now?Virtual meetings could never replace the feeling of meeting a person in flesh. 

What would it take to go back to the old times??
May be a phone call? or An impromptu meeting?

Do we really need a reason to meet our dear friends?
Pick up your phone & call your human.
Forget the social networks, go meet your dear friends in person,
give them a tight hug & revive your bond.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Love, Hope & Faith!!


                 When you love someone or some thing about someone, you start loving everything around you. Everything seems to be perfect. One starts living in a fairy tale world.  And then there comes a time when the same person ends up hurting us. May be because we expect a lot from our loved ones. But then again, disappointment is thy name life! Everything in life comes with a price & it makes sure that we pay the same. Bad memories from loved ones could leave heavy scars on one's mind. How to get out of such mess is entirely up to us.
               Life is uncertain, ever changing & so unpredictable in nature. Circumstances & relations change with pace. Sometimes, we see a different self altogether. Still, we keep doing our allotted duties everyday without fail. Every bad time/ bad situation in our life teaches us something, something that we were ought to learn. Bad times are like mirrors, we don't believe what's wrong with us until, we've seen it through our eyes. It takes bad times in our lives to rediscover our belief system & sometimes to rediscover ourselves. I obviously hate those times which made me change my beliefs. However, at the same time I thank God that it happened; otherwise I would never had known how wrong I was about certain things in life. As someone has rightly said,  Life always gives you a second chance or even a third one if you are willing to recognize the same.  
                Every single day we wake up to see the Sun shining in the sky, despite having an overdose of darkness in the past. No matter how hard we've to juggle for our dreams, we keep on moving forward. Deep down we know that, eventually everything will make sense & all the things will work out to be okay. This is just because, we can love others & because we can have hope & faith!    
               Nothing in our life would have been easy if everyone had lost hopes or if we were supposed to live with zero faith. It isn't that our pain will be any easier by having a little room for Hope & Faith; but it'll definitely help to increase our mental strength. And a little hope every now & then is always good for our delicate heart. 
              Doesn't matter how bad our life has been or even if we have no idea where we are heading to, the Balance sheet of our life will tally in the end!!

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