Saturday, December 24, 2016

Crazy halves

TIME: 19.40-ish.
PLACE: ‘Cafe Love & Latte’.

‘This is not going to work’, he thought. `Let’s just get over with this thing.’He was already late for the date. Holding his phone in one hand, he pushed the door to open. He recognized her from the picture on his phone & rushed to her table. They greeted each other. And he gently sat opposite her.
It followed by an awkward silence.

‘Should I ask him why is he so late? Ummmm... No, I guess that might sound rude’, She wondered. She was trying really hard to strike a conversation. Just then, He coughed & threw a few curse words for the city's traffic. She exhaled & smiled. And there, he broke the ice.

He asked for mocha while she settled for cappuccino. 

As the time was ticking, one conversation lead to another.Two more cups of coffee later, one could hear their giggles & see them highfive-ing each other. Much to his disbelief, they were bonding. They were like a house on fire.

Hours passed & they were still talking.

By the end of the night, they realized, this was something different. As they were about to part ways, they exchanged their numbers.This was followed by frequent conversations on the phone, stupid debates over random issues, sleepless nights, silly fights & eventually many other meetings.

She loved to talk for hours while he loved to listen to her. He was a peace lover but he loved all the chaos that came with her thoughts.

It all made sense now. It was sheer love. And they were each other’s crazy halves.

Years later, they were still discovering each other. They were poles apart, but it did not matter now. Despite all the differences, He never gave up on her, neither did she. :)

Images Courtesy of UP:The movie by Walt Disney
 Pictures & Pixar Animation Studios

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