Thursday, December 1, 2016

Love, Hope & Faith!!


                 When you love someone or some thing about someone, you start loving everything around you. Everything seems to be perfect. One starts living in a fairy tale world.  And then there comes a time when the same person ends up hurting us. May be because we expect a lot from our loved ones. But then again, disappointment is thy name life! Everything in life comes with a price & it makes sure that we pay the same. Bad memories from loved ones could leave heavy scars on one's mind. How to get out of such mess is entirely up to us.
               Life is uncertain, ever changing & so unpredictable in nature. Circumstances & relations change with pace. Sometimes, we see a different self altogether. Still, we keep doing our allotted duties everyday without fail. Every bad time/ bad situation in our life teaches us something, something that we were ought to learn. Bad times are like mirrors, we don't believe what's wrong with us until, we've seen it through our eyes. It takes bad times in our lives to rediscover our belief system & sometimes to rediscover ourselves. I obviously hate those times which made me change my beliefs. However, at the same time I thank God that it happened; otherwise I would never had known how wrong I was about certain things in life. As someone has rightly said,  Life always gives you a second chance or even a third one if you are willing to recognize the same.  
                Every single day we wake up to see the Sun shining in the sky, despite having an overdose of darkness in the past. No matter how hard we've to juggle for our dreams, we keep on moving forward. Deep down we know that, eventually everything will make sense & all the things will work out to be okay. This is just because, we can love others & because we can have hope & faith!    
               Nothing in our life would have been easy if everyone had lost hopes or if we were supposed to live with zero faith. It isn't that our pain will be any easier by having a little room for Hope & Faith; but it'll definitely help to increase our mental strength. And a little hope every now & then is always good for our delicate heart. 
              Doesn't matter how bad our life has been or even if we have no idea where we are heading to, the Balance sheet of our life will tally in the end!!

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