Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Time travel with Andre Agassi ;)

Reading an autobiography is like time travelling with the storyteller.

AND right Nowww
I’m happpiieee & thrilled to travel  time with andre agassi :) through his autobiography called 'OPEN'.

Yeah..... I traveled with him to the U.S.Open, to Australian Open, to 1999 French Open (alongwith steffi graf ;) ) & also to the  2005 French Open, Wimbledon,  also to the time when he was a kid & hated playing  tennis. ;) I was with him when he was on high as well as when he had to go through all the rough times.
For me reading him was like being with him every moment. :) 

For me this book has become a source of inspiration now. I  read it whenever I feel low. It somehow has the power to bring out the good in me. 

A line from this book that I loved the most was when Agassi relates his aggression for tennis with his performance.In his words, 'Mind & body should be in sync' with each other in order to perform better.
That is, if you want to be better everyday, make sure your mind & body are in sync. If you have a stressed out mind & a very lazy body posture,then you may not get good results. Also, if your mind is calm but your body has no time to relax, it will not help you to maintain balance. Thus, when you have everything synchronized you will feel more energized than ever. 

And just to follow this great thought, I have started taking regular walks in the evening from last few months.It just helps me have some time to connect with myself. :) 

While reading this book, I came across so many dimensions of this person.And With every page of this book, RESPECT for this greatest tennis player I have ever known widens. :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Change is inevitable....

A still from the movie 'The Back-up Plan'....

After his girlfriend shocks him with the news of her pregnancy, Stan argues with her, runs out & reaches a park. All tensed up he sits down at a bench in the park. There he meets a guy, who tells him how his life is after having three kids in his life. 

He says, ‘It’s awful, awful, awful & something magical happens. Again it's awful, awful, awful for some time, then again something magical happens. But you know my friend, life is worth living, only for those magical moments!' :) 

How apt he was. Whether you have kids or you don't. When you get anything unexpected in your life, your first reaction is always like this. You can't accept it easily. Somehow, with time, you accept the way things go & get used to it.Then after a certain point of time in your life, this new change becomes your life. 

That is how it is. Change is inevitable. Time helps us to change with time. Time gets us ready for the things we are hesitant at first. You'll never know what you're capable of unless, you give it a try! :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

I Hate Goodbyes….

      I’ve always believed that a man's greatest treasure is his loved ones.A single thought of not having that person around you,of not being with your loved one is very painful.                              
    Life is so uncertain sometimes and so are some people. We never understand what they are up to in our lives & why does there comes a stage when they decide to leave you.
    Now that I’ve lost my dearest buddy, all her memories just flash up in front of my eyes. Everything that was related to her comes to me & bugs me out. There are a very few times when my brain stops thinking about her. The feeling that she isn’t here with me, just haunts me somehow. Even though she isn’t here, I try to convey her, what was left unsaid.  It’s aptly said that, the real importance of some thing is realized when, you have lost that thing. It’s weird sometimes to not have her around.
    I feel life is very weird And I just hate it .…when all I’m left with is to sulk. It is hard sometimes to let go of what holds you back.
    It is difficult to live without your loved ones. I know there will also be a time in life when not all of them will be around me. Nowadays I fight less with the people I love the most or even with those whom I hate the most. I patch up after I have fights. I try not to hurt anyone. I know our time here is limited….& you can’t undo anything…. So, I’m just trying to make a difference in my life. :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Mystery called LIFE.

TIME just flies away & we see a different time altogether. With time, our needs change.Our perception changes. Our feelings change.We meet new people, try to know them. We succeed sometimes, sometimes we fail!

Life is strange sometimes.Sometimes it makes you realize how important it is to have people around you. And sometimes the real importance of some people is realized when they leave you.Sometimes all you need is to be left on your own. Life is fun sometimes. And sometimes it feels more like watching a really bad movie.

The irony of it is that , It takes your bad days to make you understand the true colours of the people around you.

Life's like a roller coaster ride where you are scared of the unexpected jerks & highs AND excited at the same time for the unknown adventure of it.

Life traveled no matter how far, will always be a mystery. A mystery which is going to unwrap with TIME. :)

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