Thursday, December 31, 2015

Is there a God ?

Not to sound all philosophical but I guess yes, he does exist. 
May be not in any tangible form as such, but yes some energy source is there that is the reason of everyone's existence & destruction at the same time. 

For me, nature is God. Because it gives me what I can't have on my own. What I cannot possibly create with my own intellect. Something that is beyond me is God. He need not have any name or form as such. 

Now if we look at this with some other perspective, every being in this world has a life. Every such living thing no matter how tiny it is, has a life system & a life cycle of its own. May be if we  really want to seek God, we will see God in these different lives. May be we are subsets of some huge system, some call it God & thus we can't see such system as a whole because we are a part of it. We as humans are tend to imagination & thus we gave this concept some human form & created Gods & Goddesses. 

Yes he is here but may be not as we want to see him/her. We are a part of him. So we might agree or disagree about his existence at the same time. :)

Politically Incorrect….

Technically, intolerance is rising worldwide... so, are we supposed to leave the world? With virtual discussions/ debates, trolling celebs, we are just adding fuel to this issue.       
Everyone’s opinion comes with certain level of prejudice, and everyone has to prove how he/she is right to the world. But the question isn’t about who is right & who is not. How you see the world is different from the way someone else sees it. So everyone is right in their situation.Right now the world needs some empathy & peace. 
As some studies report, “India will be a superpower in coming years. India will be a developed country very soon. “ Yes there are a major infrastructural changes going on in the country right now. But is it enough? Is it enough for us to be a superpower? Only infrastructural changes are not enough.There needs to be a change in the mindsets of the people.                     
Given how we function today, we are not going to be a superpower so soon. This is 21st century & even to this day, we are divided on so many fronts. Someone plays the religion card/ language card & we lose our calm. Why are we so vulnerable towards these issues? The Religion is used by politicians for a long time now. And the after effects are well known.  
May be in another hundred years to come, we have worked on our vulnerabilities. May be then, we will not be manipulated by our leaders.One can only hope to see these changes. Till then keep your fingers crossed. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Her Dreams

Everyday is a struggle for her.
Being a wife, a daughter-in-law, a working woman & a mother...
so many titles to her credit....But somehow amid all of this, she's forgotten that she was once a daughter too...
Sure she had many dreams in her eyes, to travel the world around, to spend time with her loved ones, to cherish all the times.

And then some of these dreams were lost with time.
She now doesn't feel the need to have any dreams as she lives her days to complete the duties that were allotted to her. She doesn't hate her reality but  she isn't pleased with it either.

Her world once circled around her friends, now her child is the only world for her eyes.

Ever since the child, the life she thought of is nowhere to be found.
And there she learned to pretend that there's nothing that she likes.
The dreamy soul that once was hers, now likes to be tough to the outer world.

But deep inside her heart , she wants the world to know her dreams. 
She wants to be a rebel once again.

She doesn't want to limit herself with the kind of life that was thrown at. 

She loves to be loved & cared. 
She doesn't like to be weak.
She can't put up a show either. 
She just wants to be herself.

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