Wednesday, June 21, 2017

13 reasons why

I remember, a few months back, one of my cousins recommended me this web series. I nodded my head in order to give an affirmative response in her direction. In my mind, I pictured it to be just another teenage drama. How it could even interest me, I wondered.

Fast forward to the present day, to my surprise I found myself hooked on to this series. As you must have figured out from the title, I'm talking here about Netflix's, '13 Reasons why'. The show is an adaptation of a novel by Jay Asher that goes by the same name. 

First of all let me make this clear, I am neither going to rate this show nor going to spoil the story for you. I'm writing about how it had an impact on me.  

The story of the show revolves around one person and how and why she has to take some extreme steps in her life. I will not be going into the details of the story over here. You will have to watch it for yourself or if possible read the book. You will get to revisit all the places in your past, the good, the bad & the ugly. 

It will remind you about the times you judged someone without knowing their end of the story or it could also be the other way around. Or It might remind you of the times when you were bullied at school ( It did that to me) or when you watched someone get bullied and never did anything about it or also if you were the one that  bullied  others ( time for some redemption, I guess :P ) ; also those times when you questioned the purpose of your existence. 

Someone had told me once, ' Now that I've lost the most amazing people to life, life doesn't amuse me much. It doesn't feel the same without them.' I realise now what he actually meant. It will remind you of all those people in life that you let go of, also those who left you mid-way to figure out everything on your own.

It questions a lot of things in today's world. The way we deal with our problems, our dependency on social media for everything and how it is making us feel empty from the inside. How we could ruin someone knowingly or unknowingly. 

We all could be on the either side of this story, those who hurt others or those who get hurt and those who like to keep their problems to themselves. It makes us think about so many issues that we choose to ignore conveniently & also about the things that affect us.  And whether or not we should be talking to someone about such things. 

It is not just about how the story affects us in general but how we sometimes tend to ignore the problem itself, or how we end up giving ill advice to somebody without even thinking about what consequences it might trigger. How wrong we are when we presume things, when we presume people & judge their notion. We have to remember that, we cannot always be right about everything and everyone around us.

It so rightly depicts how and in what way our words could affect someone. The story is narrated and filmed beautifully. Those 13 reasons will definitely change something about you. It will leave you with so many questions, the answers of which you've to figure out on your own.  

1 comment:

  1. Hannah Here I Come 😍😍. Good Read Gau. Keep up the good work. 🀘


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