Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Mystery called LIFE.

TIME just flies away & we see a different time altogether. With time, our needs change.Our perception changes. Our feelings change.We meet new people, try to know them. We succeed sometimes, sometimes we fail!

Life is strange sometimes.Sometimes it makes you realize how important it is to have people around you. And sometimes the real importance of some people is realized when they leave you.Sometimes all you need is to be left on your own. Life is fun sometimes. And sometimes it feels more like watching a really bad movie.

The irony of it is that , It takes your bad days to make you understand the true colours of the people around you.

Life's like a roller coaster ride where you are scared of the unexpected jerks & highs AND excited at the same time for the unknown adventure of it.

Life traveled no matter how far, will always be a mystery. A mystery which is going to unwrap with TIME. :)

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